Edition 9,
30 September 2022
- Acknowledgement of Country
Opening Prayer
Spring Prayer by Rev Mark Bekkedahl
- Courage and Leadership
From the Principal
Kath McGuigan
2023 Student Leadership Team
Kate Kilpatrick
- Our Josephite Heritage
Adriana Sotira
- Pastoral Care
Year 12 Alumnae Breakfast
Kate Kilpatrick
- Year 12 Alumnae Breakfast Gallery
Year 7 Camp
Mary Lepore
- Year 7 Camp Gallery
- Teaching and Learning
Year 12: Time to Focus
Kate Kilpatrick
Wonder: 2022 Dance Showcase
Rachel Scott
- Wonder: 2022 Dance Showcase Gallery
- Our Community
Family Breakfast
Kate Kilpatrick
- Family Breakfast Gallery
- Mary MacKillop College Sports Evening AD
- CBC Principal's Tour AD
- Be a MacKillop Girl
- Join our Principal for a tour of the College
- Finalising enrolments for 2023

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges the Kaurna people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Spring Prayer by Rev Mark Bekkedahl

Dear God:
Spring is a metaphor for change. Some changes we eagerly await, and some we abhor. Some changes we plan and others arrive uninvited. To all these changes we ask the gift of Your perspective beckoning us to expectation, hope, and rebirth.
May the sunlight and the rain be reminders that You are at work renewing the earth. As a God of renewal, You are ever at work in our lives, too.
Open our eyes and lives to the needed changes in our lives this Spring. Awaken us to new life and perspective, for we pray in Jesus' name.

Kath McGuigan

Pat Terminello
Earlier this week, the College received the sad news that Pat Terminello, Principal of Mary MacKillop College from 2001 to 2010, passed away. Pat was a member of the College community for 35 years and was also APRIM at Mercedes College from 2012 until his retirement. He was a man of strong faith, dedicated to the life and works of Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph. Pat was very much a family man, devoted to his wife Maria, his children and grandchildren. We pray for his family, friends and colleagues during this difficult and sad time.
Staff Farewells
At the end of Term 3, we will farewell two staff members. Education Support Officer, Rose Bevan will move to Cardijn College. Mary Superina, one of our College Counsellors will leave us to take up a new position at Headspace. We wish Rose and Mary all the best and thank them for their contribution to the College.
Kate Kilpatrick

Last week, Mrs McGuigan gathered the Year 11s to announce the 2023 Student Leadership Team. The announcement was met with great excitement and anticipation. This group of young women are extraordinary. They are courageous, confident, articulate and have the most compassionate hearts. The appointment process was equal parts life giving and challenging, as the panel navigated the difficult task of discerning these leadership positions. All girls who put their hand up for leadership should be incredibly proud. Each impressed the panel with their understanding of leadership and desire to create opportunities for the community to connect and thrive. They truly were impressive.
We offer our congratulations to the 2023 Student Leadership Team as they assume these important leadership roles. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our current Student Leadership Team for their leadership this year. They have been outstanding ambassadors for the College and have set a wonderful example for our new leaders.
2023 Student Leadership Team
College Captains: Emily, London
Social Justice Captains: Charlotte, Sienna
Wellbeing Captains (new positions): Jessica R, Jessica S
Sports Captains: Cinzia (Alexander), Sabrina (Flora), Sofia (Tappeiner), Tara (Tenison)
Arts Captains: Brooke, Olivia
Prefects: Emily (Year 7), Naaz (Year 8), Ava (Year 9), Charlotte (Year 10), Savannah (Year 11), Elysse (Year 12)

Adriana Sotira

Year 10 Retreat
Theme: In the footsteps of Mary MacKillop... social justice in the city
On Thursday 1 September, 10 Red and 10 Yellow participated in a retreat that saw them embrace Mary MacKillop's values compassion and justice.
The day began at St Francis Xavier Catholic Cathedral, where students prayed for marginalised communities.
Following this, students visited several homeless shelters and gained insight into the work these organisations do to help end homelessness.
After, students spent time at Cathedral Hall, where they engaged in conversations about how to help people who are experiencing homelessness and in true Mary MacKillop spirit, put faith into action and created 'bags of love', which were later delivered to Vinnies Men's and Women's Crisis Centres, Centacare and Catherine House.
Year 11 Retreat
Theme: Valuing ourselves
On Friday 23 September, Year 11 students gathered at The Monastery in Glen Osmond to connect to their personal spirituality, to reflect on their values and to sense the sacred amongst the group.
Students thought deeply about their sense of identity by exploring their values, beliefs and qualities. They were able to do this by engaging in a variety of activities - getting to you know games, meditation, craft activities on values, journalling and praying.
The retreat helped the Year 11s recognise that as they go through life, they will experience new things and learn more about who they are. Some things will always be part of who they are - their core values and ethnicity, and some parts of their identity may change with time. But the most important thing about identity is to stay true to themselves and their values. They were encouraged to always remember that God loves them for who they are - unique and individual beings created in God’s image and likeness.
“We have much to be thankful" - Mary MacKillop 1873
I would like to extend my gratitude to all students for engaging in the Retreat Program wholeheartedly and to the staff for their valuable contribution and their support.

Kate Kilpatrick

Earlier this week, we welcomed back Old Scholars, Cimon Vozzo (Class of 2009 / Fashion Stylist), Paola Tatarelli (Class of 2017 / Nurse), Alexandra Piteo (2018 / Accountant) and Vanessa Bianco (2017 / Real Estate Sales Executive) to share insights with our Year 12s about their career pathway after leaving MacKillop. Each old scholar shared their unique journey to their chosen career as well as important advice for our girls as they embark on life beyond the College walls. They were confident, articulate, courageous and past teachers were looking on with great pride. Our 12s embraced the opportunity to ask questions and make connections with some even taking a business card or two. It was a special moment for the 12s, a chance to enjoy each other's company, reflect on the journey that has been looking to the future with great hope and excitement. I take this opportunity to thank our old scholars for their presence and for inspiring the next generation of MacKillop girls to carve their own pathway to success.

Mary Lepore

On Wednesday 14 September, a very eager group of Year 7 students embarked on a three day camp to Wallaroo. The students’ enthusiasm was not dampened by the weather and they involved themselves in each activity wholeheartedly, and embraced each challenge.
Undoubtedly, the activities enjoyed the most by the students were pizza making, orienteering and the Tribal Challenge, where they engaged in a range of tasks promoting working together as a team.
"We explored Wallaroo and learnt about its history." - said Elisa
"I enjoyed pizza making and learning how to use a wood oven." - said Savannah
"Orienteering was fun because we bonded and worked together as a team." - said Ava
Another highlight of camp was the opportunity for some of our students to showcase their unique gifts at our talent show. We were entertained by dancers, singers and magicians with their card tricks.
The students also particularly valued and appreciated the opportunity to spend time connecting with one another throughout the Camp.
"It was fun mixing with new people." said Chanel.
"Camp was very focused on the CCROPS value, connectedness." said Amelie.
"Many new friendships were made and I enjoyed working with people who I don't usually work with in school." said Liliana.
After three days of active involvement, a tired group of Year 7 students arrived back at the College and, with them, brought many special moments and unforgettable experiences.

Kate Kilpatrick

Year 12 students are being challenged at the moment with their study. Academically, this is a busy time of the year, when the completion of large assignments is a focus. The spirit and tenacity of these girls as they strive to be their best and race to the finish line is wonderful to witness. At this time, it is important for our girls to recognise that deadlines are critical. As the year draws to an end, the possibilities for extensions are reduced as teachers must mark and submit results to the SACE Board by set dates. Therefore, students must carefully plan their final weeks and talk with their teachers immediately if they feel like they are not keeping up.
I also take this opportunity to remind families of Year 12 students that Tutorial Workshops will take place in the term break. The sessions will support our girls to finish remaining assignments and complete necessary exam preparation as they enter the final few weeks of life as a MacKillop Girl. We wish them the best in their studies and look forward to celebrating their journey in Week 2 of Term 4.
Rachel Scott

On Monday 12 September, our SACE Dance students and Year 7-9 Performance Teams presented their work at Wonder: 2022 Dance Showcase.
The showcase featured dances inspired by the beauty that surrounds us every day. The students looked towards nature and the wonder of naturally occurring events, such as the growth of a garden and the energy of a thunder storm. The kaleidoscope of wonderful people in the world inspired stories of experiences and challenges, each represented with authenticity through dance.
The show bought together students from Mary MacKillop College and Seymour, each bringing out the best in each other on and off stage. Congratulations to our SACE Stage 2 Dance students, Brooke and London for presenting outstanding performances and meaningful, well-crafted choreography as part of their assessment.
Thank you to all of the teachers involved and to our Arts Captains, Analissa and Mia.
Each and every student performed with so much heart and soul, reflecting the dedication they have shown throughout the year.

Kate Kilpatrick

On Friday 30 September, we gathered as a College community for our annual Family Breakfast event. Under the leadership of our 2022 Student Leadership Team, the Gym was transformed into a magical wonderland. It was a sea of pink, blue and yellow as we showed our support for the Childhood Cancer Association. It was a delightful morning filled with laughter, stories, good food and of course raffle tickets! In a post COVID world, it was wonderful to welcome families onsite and unite as a community to help raise funds for an important cause. The Community Relationships Manager of the Childhood Cancer Association, Tracey Noblet spoke to the group about how important the service they provide is and how grateful they are for the support of the College. I would like to thank our student leaders, families & local businesses who gave so generously in terms of donations and time. It really was a day to celebrate our community and all the people who are part of it. I would also like to express my gratitude to Rossana and Jayne for their work behind the scenes in preparing food and setting up for this significant event.
As the term concludes, I look back and reflect on all that has been achieved and smile. What a rich and rewarding experience it has been, filled with many moments of gratitude. I have seen and experienced a community of deep and rich connectedness and feel privileged to be part of the Mary MacKillop community. Amidst the hard work and learning, there is much laughter and celebration.

Principal's Tours are a great opportunity for prospective MacKillop girls and families to visit the College and to meet our Principal. You will meet senior staff and students on an intimate tour of the school.
Term 4 Dates
Friday 21 October, 9.30am
Wednesday 9 November
Book Now

To enrol your daughter or for more information, please contact us via phone (08) 8333 6300 or email admin@marymackillop.sa.edu.au.
Please note, in order for your daughter to attend our Transition Mornings, the enrolment process must be completed and placement confirmed.