Edition 10,
28 October 2022
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Opening Prayer
- Courage and Leadership
From the Principal
Kath McGuigan
- Pastoral Care
Year 12: Final Days
Kate Kilpatrick
- Year 12: Final Days Gallery
- Teaching and Learning
Awards and Good News Assembly
Jasmin Eckert
- Awards and Good News Assembly Gallery
Journey to Oz
Rachel Scott
- Journey to Oz Gallery
Sports Evening
Zoe Duffy
- Sports Evening Gallery
- Student Achievements
- Kahlea, Year 10 Student
- Our Community
- 2022 Year 12 Visual Art Exhibition AD
- CBC Principal's Tour AD
- Be a MacKillop Girl
- Join our Principal for a tour of the College
- Finalising enrolments for 2023

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges the Kaurna people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Loving God,
As a school community we celebrate and give thanks for our Year 12 students.
Thank you that each one is unique and brimming with potential.
Thank you for leading them in their learning, for keeping them safe as they studied, and for watching over them in their final exams.
We pray that they may all feel proud and enjoy sharing their achievements with family
and friends.
May their last days at Mary MacKillop College be a memory that burns bright within them as they embark on life’s great adventure.

Kath McGuigan

Welcome back to Term 4. I hope that you were able to get some rest and relaxation. It is not exactly spring weather and we look forward to some warmer days as the term progresses.
This week marked the end of formal lessons for our Year 12 students at Mary MacKillop College. For the last three years these students have had some of their education and personal life disrupted due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It now looks that we may have turned a corner and we can get back to almost normal.
Many commentators have talked about a VUCA world – Volatile, Unpredictable, Complex and Ambiguous. Now they are adding Disruptive D-VUCA, to explain the impact that the pandemic has had on our work and home life. Our Year 12 students now leave school and these past experiences will have shaped their responses to some of the uncertainties that may lie ahead. I think they will be well prepared.
Our theme for this year is 'Seeds of Hope' and Pope Francis himself said "In education dwells the seed of hope: hope for peace and justice, hope for beauty and goodness; hope for social harmony".
We pray that our students going forward into their chosen pathways are seeds of hope, that they have lives of meaning and purpose, that they always think fondly of their time at Mary MacKillop College, and they are inspired by the words and actions of Mary MacKillop.
I thank all the teachers and staff who have worked hard to support the students this year and in the preceding years. I also thank the class of 2022 for the wonderful gifts that I received, and I can’t wait to share some of them with my granddaughters.

Kate Kilpatrick

This week, we said farewell to the Class of 2022. Celebrations began Wednesday morning with our Year 8 and 12 sister farewells. The girls exchanged handmade gifts and messages of hope. It is one of MacKillop’s great traditions - great, not because it was big and elaborate, but because it highlighted what our College is all about, a connected community where women are compassionate and committed to each other and a future of hope and promise.
The girls then gathered with their Year 8 Pastoral Care teachers to open time capsules that were created in their first year as a MacKillop girl. There was a mixture of emotions with everything from joy, excitement and pride to sadness as the realisation that their time at MacKillop was coming to an end.
Wednesday concluded with a beautiful rose ceremony. Year 8 students gathered along the driveway to say their final farewell as their big sisters walked out the MacKillop gates for the last time. Roses were shared, the tears flowed freely and hugs were plentiful. Families waited at the gates with an open embrace. A special moment indeed.
The celebrations continued into Thursday, the Year 12’s final day. It began with a breakfast at Sfera’s, where the girls were presented with their graduation bears. We delighted in looking back at photos along the journey and each girl's growth from Reception to Year 12.
Students, families and staff then gathered at St Ignatius Church for a special Mass of thanksgiving. The ceremony began with students bringing forth key symbols to represent their Mary MacKillop journey. It was wonderful to celebrate Eucharist with families for the first time in over 3 years.
Following Mass was our Farewell Assembly. Our inspirational College Captains, Anida and Alexis, spoke about their time at Mary MacKillop College and how important the school has been in their formation. They spoke with and from the heart and we couldn’t be prouder of their captaincy and leadership. Under their guidance, the Student Leadership Team (SLT) has flourished and been an ever-visible presence in the school community. The group introduced new activities and events throughout the year such as the Big Freeze, which was a great success, and ensured MacKillop traditions lived on. The SLT was fun, courageous, committed and steadfast and we thank them for their leadership. We also acknowledged our newly appointed Student Leadership Team with a transfer of leadership ceremony and wished them well on their journey.
At the end of the celebration students were presented with a framed sunflower print created by the girls on their Year 12 Retreat. This was not only symbolic of this year's theme, Seeds of Hope, but of the joy and laughter that the girls have brought to our community. Year 12s came up by Pastoral Care Class, each standing proudly, smiling from ear to ear, just beaming at their parents, family members and friends. It was in this moment that our students finally realised the significance of their achievements. They had completed Year 12 and all that it entails. They felt connected, a part of something bigger, a part of a rich and life-giving community. The highlight of the ceremony was of course Mary’s Vision. There is something quite special about seeing our girls, arm in arm with tears in their eyes, singing our College anthem with pride.
The final week for Year 12s is a wonderful rite of passage; we celebrate them well. The Class of 2022 will definitely be missed and we wish them all the best as they embark on their final examinations.

Jasmin Eckert

On Thursday 20 October, the College community gathered to acknowledge and celebrate students in our community who continue to embrace the motto, 'In All Things Love' and show a love of learning and growth as they strive to know more, do more and be more. The combined Awards and Good News Assembly celebrated and acknowledged all the events, achievements and learning that took place in Term 3. We congratulated not just those students receiving an award but all those who achieved success, understood new concepts or topics, took on new challenges and pushed themselves in the name of personal excellence.
Students who received a ‘Know More, Do More, Be More’ Award were recognised by their Pastoral Care Teachers and Pastoral Care Coordinators as students who demonstrate what it means to be a MacKillop girl. The Know More, Do More, Be More Award is presented to students who demonstrate outstanding academic endeavour or achievement, provide service to the school or wider community and influence and inspire others in the spirit of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
Academic Awards were given to students in our community who in Term 3 achieved at the highest level among their peers in terms of academic excellence. The students recognised show a deep commitment to their studies. They are diligent, spend time completing homework and formative tasks, clarifying their thinking with teachers and meticulously edit and refine their work before submitting assessments of the highest standard.
I take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed and shared their learning at our assembly and congratulate all those who presented on their efforts in academics and involvement in school life.

Rachel Scott

On Thursday 29 September, students from Years 7-12 presented Journey to Oz. 2022 is the first year the College has put together an arts production, and we are proud to say it featured over 150 dance, drama, music, visual art and design students. The production was inspired by The Wizard of Oz and followed Dorothy on her adventures as she overcame challenges and realised her unique strengths.
The production started to take form back in Term 1 with rehearsals every week and students performing snippets of Journey to Oz to St Joseph’s Memorial School and during JJAMM Week. Journey to Oz was also performed as part of the Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival at the Entertainment Centre in August, receiving the National Story Award for Excellence in Performing Arts and Entertainment.
When asked about their involvement in Journey to Oz, students had this to say:
"I enjoyed performing on stage, being with my friends, and constructing makeup and hair to fit with our character. I especially enjoyed performing with all of the bright lights, costuming, and excitement.”
Gabriella M, Year 8 student
“My favorite dance to perform was “Home” as I thought the song was beautiful, the costumes flowed as we danced, and it was so well rehearsed.”
Allegra, Year 7 student
"Performing in Journey to Oz was an enjoyable experience. I loved being with my friends and felt that I also built stronger friendships as we all assisted each other with makeup and hair. It was fulfilling to see our dance item all come together with our well-constructed costumes to complement our choreography. Performing on stage was an unreal experience, it felt amazing being able to be there, under lights and hear the audience cheer for us."
Gabriella P, Year 8 student
“I had an amazing time participating in the production “Journey to Oz”, not only because I love to dance, but because I got to spend the whole day with my friends and had the opportunity to perform alongside them. It was a great experience as I loved being on stage knowing that my teachers, friends and family were there to support me. I think the audience would have thoroughly enjoyed the performance overall and I think it was fantastic that the production included singing, drama, and dance together with a visual art display. I would love to have the opportunity to participate in future performances.”
Eliana, Year 8 student
“Performing onstage in front of a large audience was challenging but once the time came to perform it felt amazing to be doing my absolute best. Overall, I was highly impressed with how smoothly the production went and how all the numbers weaved together to create an event filled with entertainment.”
Simona, Year 8 student
“It felt great to have accomplished the goal of performing together. I learnt how to perform effectively by using expression and being committed to my role.”
Lila, Year 7 student
Thank you to the staff at Golden Grove Arts Centre for their professional and technical expertise. To Mia and Analissa, you have excelled in your role as Arts Captains this year and truly inspired our next generation of Arts students. Thank you to our creative and committed Arts staff for all the effort put into bringing our production together. To the staff who helped backstage, your support is truly appreciated and finally to each and every student involved, you have all faced your own challenges throughout the rehearsal process. Congratulations on your commitment to overcome these challenges and experience something truly special.

Zoe Duffy

On Tuesday 18 October, staff, students, families and friends of the College gathered together in the gymnasium for our Sports Evening. Led by our 2022 Sport Captains, Abigail, Ella, Matilda and Tara, the event acknowledged the contribution MacKillop girls make to the fields of health, physical education, and sport. Stories were shared and successes were celebrated.
We were joined by special guest, Jessica Stenson, who presented our Sport Award recipients with their medals and shared her story and recent success at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. The key messages of Jessica’s address were make the most of opportunities, allow yourself to dream big , develop healthy habits and daily lifestyle goals that will lead towards long term goals, and focusing on the aspects of life you can control. She also shared with us her favourite quote, “Aspire to BE more than to HAVE more”, something that MacKillop girls can relate to. It was wonderful hearing her speak and a privilege to have her join our College community for the evening.
In addition to Jessica’s presentation, we were fortunate to have one of our College Captains, Alexis, perform for us. Alexis is experienced in martial arts and performed a Tang Do Soo routine, wowing the audience with her weaponry skills. We thank Alexis for her performance and wish her all the best for upcoming competitions.
On behalf of the Sports department, thank you to staff, students, families and coaches who joined us at our Sports Evening and for your ongoing support of sport at the College. We wish teams competing in Term 4 Sport the best of luck for the season ahead.

Principal's Tours are a great opportunity for prospective MacKillop girls and families to visit the College and to meet our Principal. You will meet senior staff and students on an intimate tour of the school.
Term 4 Dates
Wednesday 23 November
Book Now

To enrol your daughter or for more information, please contact us via phone (08) 8333 6300 or email admin@marymackillop.sa.edu.au.
Please note, in order for your daughter to attend our Transition Mornings, the enrolment process must be completed and placement confirmed.