Edition 1,
10 February 2023
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Opening Prayer
- Courage and Leadership
From the Chair of the Board
Gess Carbone
From the Principal
Sonia Nelson
From the Deputy Principal
Jasmin Eckert
- Student Leadership Camp Gallery
- Pastoral Care
From the Director of Students
Liz Stewart
- Teaching and Learning
- The Adelaide Writers' Week Microstory Competition
- Writers SA Youth Program
- Sport
From the Sports Coordinator
Zoe Duffy
- Swimming Carnival Gallery
- Careers and Future Pathways
From the Future Pathways Coordinator
Angelika Portolesi
- Youth Governor's Leadership Foundation Program
- Old Scholar News
- Soraya (Class of 2022)
- Be a MacKillop girl
- Principal's Tour AD
- Come 'n' Try MacKillop Day AD
- Our Community
- Christian Brothers College Tours AD

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges the Kaurna people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Loving God, as the new year begins at Mary MacKillop College, we thank you for the gifts of each person in our strong Josephite community, especially those who are joining us for the first time in 2023. Help us to embrace opportunities and challenges with hearts filled with compassion, hope and courage, knowing that you walk beside us in our daily interactions. We ask that you bless our students, families and staff, as we strive to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. May our thoughts, decisions and actions be true to our motto, In All Things Love. Amen.

Gess Carbone

To the Mary MacKillop College Community
We enter this year, 2023, with great anticipation and excitement, welcoming our new Principal, Sonia Nelson and Deputy Principal, Jasmin Eckert. We also welcome new and continuing students, families and staff.
In the spirit of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we renew our commitment to girls’ education in the Josephite tradition.
The College Board looks forward to working with you all and to meeting you at College events throughout the year.
“Wherever we may be, let God’s glory absorb our thoughts, deliberations and actions." - Mary MacKillop, 1898
Gess Carbone
Chair of the Board
Sonia Nelson

Welcome to the new year at Mary MacKillop College! I hope that all families have enjoyed some rest and recreation over the holiday break and are looking forward to a fantastic 2023.
The year has started well with our Year 7 and 12 students getting off to a flying start on Monday 30 January and our Year 8 to 11 students on Tuesday 31 January. The week culminated in a fairy tale themed Swimming Carnival. Although the weather seemed to be against us, the girls rallied with loud cheers and joined in the many pool events to make it a day of fun and connection.
Congratulations to our Student Leadership Team, who spent time at an overnight camp on the weekend to reflect on their important roles in the College and plan for the year ahead. We wish them well in serving our community as inspirational leaders and role models.
In December, you would have seen our outstanding 2022 SACE Results. This week saw a number of our former students who received merit awards be recognised at a ceremony at Government House. We acknowledge their achievements and wish them well with their studies this year. We look forward to acknowledging our many high achievers in the presence of their families and the whole school community next Tuesday 14 February.
Yesterday, we gathered in St Ignatius Church to celebrate the Beginning of Year Mass. It was a fitting way to join together in prayer and communion as a proud Mary MacKillop College community and set us up well for a year of growth and success.
We were pleased to see works commencing on our new Science, Art and Innovation Hub – the Tenison Centre. New (and current) families may wish to visit the Tenison Centre landing page to find out more about this major capital development that is due for completion by the start of 2024. We are already excited and preparing for the creative possibilities that this new facility will afford us.
As mentioned in my letter to families earlier this week, we are proud to launch our new College mantra - Courage to lead. This speaks to our intention for every member of our community to be inspired to design their own pathway to success and to face the future with confidence and resilience. Within our strong Josephite charism, and as modelled by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we strive to live with deep compassion and the courage to lead.
We are also delighted to welcome the following new staff members to Mary MacKillop College this year.
- Andrew Panozzo - Director of Teaching and Learning
- Liz Stewart - Director of Students
- Stavros Psaromatis - Middle School Teacher and Year 8 Pastoral Care Teacher
- Harriet Clough - Learning and Wellbeing Assistant
- Ella Turnbull - Physical Education Assistant
Ally McMichan also returns from a period of parental leave.
Thank you to everyone for your warm welcome of me over the last few weeks and months. Mary MacKillop College is such a special place and I feel deeply privileged to serve this vibrant community as the new Principal. I look forward to connecting with you further as the year unfolds.
My best wishes to you all and God bless.
Sonia Nelson
Jasmin Eckert

It has been a busy start to the year for the Student Leadership Team (SLT) who are demonstrating they have the courage to lead with confidence and compassion.
2023 Student Leadership Conference
In partnership with the Alliance of Girls Schools, four of our student leaders found time in their holidays to network with other students through a Student Leadership Conference. Mary MacKillop students worked with like-minded young women over the three days, building a network of friends and embarking on their own leadership journey.
Caritas College student leaders visit
The SLT were fortunate to reconnect with leaders from Caritas College, a Josephite school in Port Augusta, who visited our school community early this term. Students were able to discuss their opportunities and ideas they hope to bring forth for 2023.
Student Leadership Camp
The SLT travelled to The Retreat at West Beach Parks for their Student Leadership Camp on 5-6 February. Here, students reflected on individual values, authenticity and being true to their story, whilst creating a collective vision for leadership. Students identified their personal leadership style and the type of leader they would like to be. Students had an opportunity for self-reflection and built leadership agility, skills and confidence to embrace the opportunities they may face and make a difference in the College community.
By the end of the camp, the hope is that students feel more connected to their vision, who they are and what it means to be a leader in a Josephite school. I was very proud of the courage that was displayed, as our SLT were ready to share, dream, encourage, make a commitment and reflect on their collective and individual experiences.
Jasmin Eckert
Deputy Principal

Liz Stewart

I am the new Director of Students, Liz Stewart, and I consider myself very blessed to be joining the Mary MacKillop College community in 2023. From the minute I stepped onto the College I have felt extremely welcomed and part of the community. My role is to support the Pastoral Care Coordinators and Teachers with the wellbeing of the students.
Being a student at a girls' school and later teaching at Marymount College, a girls' campus for students Years 6-9, I know the value of single gender education. I consider it a privilege to watch girls flourish both academically and socially and display the courage to take risks.
I am a strong advocate of restorative practices as a process to repair relationships where harm has occurred. I also have a depth of experience and knowledge of positive education, which I am hoping to share with staff and students.
I am aware of the strong sense of fun at Mary MacKillop College. It was evident at Swimming Carnival where the girls were read a fairy tale to match the theme of the day. This was followed by some of the Year 12 leaders hiding behind a tree on the other side of the pool and appearing as princesses around the perimeter of the pool.
I was fortunate to spend last Sunday 5 and Monday 6 February with the Student Leadership Team on their Student Leadership Camp. What a mature, insightful, enthusiastic group of young women they are. I am thrilled to be a part of the initiatives they have planned for this year.
I am looking forward to meeting many families at the parent evenings later in the term and am excited to work in partnership with you during 2023.
Liz Stewart
Director of Students

Calling all young writers: The Adelaide Writers' Week Microstory Competition is on again in 2023! Supported by Hello SA, this competition invites young people aged under 18 to submit a microstory of 50 words or less.
In 2023, the theme for the story is Truth Be Told (this is also the theme of Writers' Week in 2023). Read more about the theme in this message from Writers' Week Director Louise Adler.
The winner will receive a $500 gift card courtesy of Hello SA and a YA book pack courtesy of Writers' Week. The winning story will be announced at the Writers' Week Kids' Day on Saturday 4 March, 2023.
Entries close at 5pm (ACDT) on Monday 13 February, 2023.
For access to the entry form go to: AWW Young Adult Microstory Competition - Adelaide Festival
For any questions on the project please contact: Alyssa.Mason@adelaidefestival.com.au
The popular creative writing program for teenagers is returning in 2023!
Youth courses are perfect for any avid young writers, readers, word-lovers and storytellers looking to explore and hone their craft outside of high school.
They will meet and connect weekly with like-minded writerly peers as well as develop and practise creative writing skills at the same time—whether it’s for fiction, non-fiction, comics, games, TV or beyond!
For any enquiries, please contact English Leader of Learning, Mini Del Corso.

Zoe Duffy

Swimming Carnival
The residents of Norwood must have been confused on Friday 3 February, thinking they had woken up in an enchanted land as they watched characters from an array of fairy tales make their way to the Norwood Swimming Pool. The Mary MacKillop College community well and truly embraced this year’s Swimming Carnival theme of Fairy Tales with students and staff being extremely creative with their costumes. Despite a winter blast of cold, wet and windy weather, our students took to the water to participate in the traditional swimming events as well the very popular novelty events. Our four House Captains, Cinzia, Sabrina, Tara and Sofia, were exceptional role models for the community with their outstanding leadership and enthusiasm displayed both throughout the carnival and during the lead up to the event.
On behalf of the Sports Department and College, we would like to congratulate the following age group champions and runners up:
- U 13 Runner Up: Madeleine
- U 13 Champion: Winter
- U 14 Runner Up: Daniella
- U 14 Champion: Ava
- U 15 Runners Up: Melissa
- U 15 Champion: Sophie
- U 16 Runner Up: Keeleigh
- U 16 Champion: Sophia
- 16+ Runner Up: Arabella
- 16+ Champion: Ella
Our individual champion of the pool for 2023 is Sophia. Congratulations on an outstanding performance, Sophia.
Flora House, under the guidance and leadership of House Captain, Sabrina, were the Spirit Award winners for 2023 after having cheered, sang and danced all day long.
This year, Alexander won the overall championship. The results were:
- Fourth position: Flora with 255 points
- Third position: Tenison with 261 points
- Second position: Tappeiner with 264 points
- First position: Alexander with 321 points
Congratulations to all members of Alexander and House Captain, Cinzia.
We look forward with excitement to the Athletics Carnival on Friday Week 7 and cannot wait to see many students participating, dressing up and supporting their house.
Other Sport reminders
- Term 1 Sport commences in Week 3, both training and games.
- The training schedule and weekly schedule for Saturday sport can viewed via the Sport Portal on SEQTA.
- Students are reminded to arrive 20 minutes prior to their scheduled game time.
- All absences from training and games must be communicated to the College Sport Coordinator, Ms Zoe Duffy via 0481 545 391.
- Morning Swim Squad training commences on Thursday 16 February at the Norwood Swimming Pool. All students are welcome to join.
- The SACSSGSA Swimming Carnival will take place on Wednesday 3 May (Week 1, Term 2) - students will be notified shortly if they have been selected to be in the swim team.
- A number of uniform items for Sport are now available for purchase. An order form can be found on the Sport Portal on SEQTA.
Zoe Duffy
Sports Coordinator

Angelika Portolesi

Having commenced in the role of Future Pathways Coordinator in Term 2, 2022, I am delighted to be back at Mary MacKillop College again in 2023.
Although still relatively new to the College, I am very excited about the year ahead and looking forward to getting to know the students on a greater level as we start our conversations around possible careers and pathways beyond Mary MacKillop College.
My role at the College is to assist students in designing a pathway forward and discussing future opportunities, such as university or TAFE pathways, workforce options, VET, subject selections, SATAC applications, as well as providing students with opportunities to explore career options, through Futures Week, alumni related events, career expos and access to university and TAFE representatives.
With a strong background in the tertiary sector and, as a previous educator, I worked as a recruiter for the University of Adelaide from 2014 to 2022. As part of my role, I was responsible for engaging with students and parents from Catholic schools across South Australia, presenting study options, pathways, scholarships and much more. I was also fortunate enough to be able to travel regionally across South Australia and interstate, engaging with a variety of students and families. As a result of this, I am extremely passionate about ensuring all students have equal access to education, that students and families are equipped with the right information, particularly in the lead up to completion of secondary studies, and that all students understand that they have options for an adaptable and opportunity-filled future.
To ensure my knowledge remains relevant and current for our students, this year, I am completing a Career Counselling, Coaching and Assessment course through Become Education, as well as undertaking professional development, offered through Catholic Education and the major South Australian universities. I am also very pleased to announce that this year, Mary MacKillop College is introducing a pilot program for our Year 8 cohort that focuses on bringing career education to the forefront through activities, conversations and a capstone project. This pilot program aims to highlight that it is never too early to start career conversations and will allow our students to explore the vast career opportunities of the future.
I look forward to the year ahead and can’t wait to meet with you all over the course of the year.
Angelika Portolesi
Future Pathways Coordinator
The Youth Governor’s Leadership Foundation Program is designed for students in Year 10 from a diverse mix of backgrounds and schools.
The program encourages students to become more confident, learn new skills, become more reliable and self-directed and aspire to leadership.
This is for students who have the potential to make a difference but may lack the confidence and skills to do so.
Designed to be experiential, the four month program involves an overnight camp, small group work and interactive sessions through fortnightly face to face or online workshops.
Students will apply their learnings through a 12-week community action project, working in small diverse teams to progress a challenge for a not-for-profit organisation.
Each project team will be supported by a mentor who will be a senior SA leader and an alumni of the Youth Governor’s Leadership Foundation Program.
Applications for the 2023 program are now open and close on March 13 2023. The program will commence on 3 and 4 June 2023.
Important information
- Facilitator: participants will learn from experienced facilitators, along with guest speakers and mentors who are experts in their field.
- Commitment: students are expected to attend six face-to-face sessions over five months.
- Investment: the program fee for 2023 is $1,800 (plus GST). Scholarships and payment plans are available. Please speak with Future Pathways Coordinator, Angelika Portolesi, should you wish to be considered for a scholarship.
- Venue: the Youth Governor's Leadership Foundation will hold a two-day retreat outside of Adelaide, with all other sessions being held at Leaders Institute SA (The University of South Australia, City West Campus).
- Dates: applications close on 13 March. Program commences 3 and 4 June. Full program details can be found here.
- Apply: to apply for the Youth Governor’s Leadership Foundation, please complete the application form in conjunction with Future Pathways Coordinator, Angelika Portolesi.

Congratulations to Old Scholar, Soraya (Class of 2022) who was awarded a full training package with the Real Estate Training Academy, worth almost $4,000 in value.
Out of approximately 400 applicants, only one student from South Australia was awarded this wonderful package.
In addition to receiving this fully funded package, Soraya has also been offered a place in the Bachelor of Laws at Flinders University, which she has deferred until completion of her training with the Real Estate Academy. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Soraya.

Join our Principal, Sonia Nelson, for a tour of the College.
Principal’s Tours are a great opportunity for prospective MacKillop girls and families to visit the College and to meet our Principal. You will meet senior staff and students on an intimate tour of the school, and experience our warm hospitality.
Term 1 Dates
Tuesday 7 March, 9.30am
Wednesday 5 April, 5.00pm
Book Now

We warmly invite girls in Years 5 and 6 to spend a day with us as a MacKillop girl.
Come ‘n’ Try MacKillop Days are a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to meet our staff and students while being involved in a range of interactive lessons and meeting new friends. During your daughter’s stay, she will be given an opportunity to try all sorts of wonderful activities and lessons including; Art, Dance, Food & Fabric Technology, Italian, Mathematics, Music, PE and Science.
Term 1 Dates
Wednesday 1 March
Book Now
