Edition Six
5 July 2024

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges the Kaurna people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Loving God,
As we come to the end of another term,
We thank you for our challenges, our successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt.
May the holiday be for us a time of rest and recreation to help restore us and re-create us in your image and likeness, as we enjoy more of the love and presence of our families and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith.

Sonia Nelson

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
As we head into the winter season and the Term 2 holidays, it is important to recognise and celebrate the countless activities that have occurred so far this year as well as the wonderful people who have been involved. With too many of these to mention individually, I thank all members of the community who have organised, contributed or participated to enhance the wellbeing and learning experiences of our MacKillop girls!
Our ‘activities’ have also included significant College improvements and projects. Students have been cooking up a storm in the new Food Technology area and enjoying the pristine playing field and garden. We also look forward to the upcoming development of a contemporary student wellbeing space adjacent to the Counsellor’s Office – stay tuned!
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew Rosser, Director of Business and Finance, who joined the College earlier this week. Andrew comes to us with a wealth of experience and insight from the education sector in South Australia and we look forward to him being an integral part of the Leadership Team and wider College community. We extend our deepest gratitude to Rosette De Los Reyes, who has served with wisdom and dedication in this position for the last 23 years. Rosette will leave a legacy of skilful financial acumen combined with true Josephite compassion and humility. We will celebrate with Rosette at the end of the year when she officially ends her time at the College after a period of well-deserved leave.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our talented and committed staff for the care and support they have given our students (and each other) during the first half of the year. Of course, the significant partnership and contribution of families has also enriched the holistic growth of our students. Finally, well done girls on having the Courage to Lead in your school days and decisions.
May the upcoming holidays be a time of re-creation and fun, with the right amount of connection and rest. In the hope that you find time to reflect over the coming weeks, I will share one of my favourite quotes from Mary MacKillop – “Believe in the whisperings of God to your own heart”. Go well and God bless.
Sonia Nelson
Alessia and Imogen (Year 12)

We are thrilled to share the incredible experience we had during the recent Vinnies Winter Sleepout. Organised to raise money and awareness for homelessness, this event opened our eyes to the struggles faced by many in Adelaide.
The sleepout was a powerful reminder of the challenges those without homes face nightly. Despite the cold and wet weather, we spent the night in the gym, sleeping on cardboard with only sleeping bags to keep us warm.
Throughout the night we participated in several activities that gave us a glimpse into the harsh realities of homelessness. We spent hours outside in cardboard houses, experiencing firsthand what it's like to seek shelter with minimal resources.
We also engaged in a quiz that taught us important statistics about homelessness, deepening our understanding of the issue. We shared stories about significant items for those living on the streets, highlighting how even the smallest things can make a big difference in their lives.
Despite the challenges of the night, we were fortunate to have the support of our amazing school community. A special thank you goes to Mrs Witton, Mrs Corbo, and the Cooking Club for preparing delicious soups that kept us warm. Your dedication and culinary skills were greatly appreciated!
We also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the parents and friends who came in early the next morning to cook breakfast for us. Your generosity and support made a significant impact on our experience, and we are truly grateful.
A huge shoutout to Mrs Eckert and Mr Mott for not only supervising the event but also participating in the sleepout alongside us. Your involvement and commitment to this cause inspired us all.
Thanks to everyone's efforts, we were able to raise over $6000 and collect many donations of blankets, beanies, coats, and new socks through our blanket drive. This will go a long way in supporting those in need and making a positive difference in our community.
Lastly, thank you to the Year 12 students who participated in the event and raised much-needed funds for the Vinnies Winter Sleepout Appeal. Your participation and generosity have made this event a resounding success.

Michelle Attwood

On Sunday 16 June, our MacKillop Discovers Canberra group, including 23 students, Mrs Attwood, Mrs Gates and Mr Iannace, arrived at the airport ready for the 2024 trip. On arrival we received our white ribbons to distinguish our very full suitcases (some more than others) and our St Christopher medals to calm our nerves. The Canberra experience was hugely successful and broadened the students’ understanding of the nation’s capital.
This trip was an educational tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $90.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program.
As well as experiencing Canberra as our national capital, the students completed various assignments so they could gain 10 SACE Credits in Integrated Learning. The students’ commitment to this subject was evident in their attendance at lunchtime lessons, long after the camp was over.
There were many Canberra highlights, and it is hard to pick just one to discuss as they were all wonderful for varying reasons. The Australian War Memorial was a very moving experience, attending a Last Post Ceremony, and learning about Corporal Roydon (Roy) Hoadley Pinhey. His story of bravery and comradery was inspiring, he was a patriot through and through. Attending the Last Post Ceremony helped us to engage with one of the many war hero narratives. Two of our students, Alana and Aaliyah, were honored to represent the College in the laying of a wreath. It was an extra special event as there were many soldiers visiting from USA, we felt very honored to be placed in the ceremony opposite these distinguished guests. The Last Post Ceremony is something that will stay with us forever.
Arriving at Parliament House, dressed in the formal College Uniform, it became apparent to the students that Parliament House is not merely a building but the cornerstone of democratic governance. It ensures that the voices of the people are heard and laws are enacted in the interest of the nation. Standing out the front and looking towards the Australian War Memorial, knowing that this is where our Prime Minister looks every day when he makes important decisions, ensured the students were engrossed in every aspect of the visit. Students were able to sit in a replica House of Representatives where they debated a Bill – Should Universities be free of charge? Each student was given a role, Melissa was the Prime Minister, Aleah the Opposition Leader and Kristal Sergeant at Arms, just to name a few. This was a fun and fair debate where the students had their say. Students experienced a tour of Parliament House where they learnt about past Prime Ministers and various aspects of how the Parliamentary system works.
We visited eighteen remarkable destinations which offered diverse activities that ignited our imaginations, prompted contemplation, imparted historical insights and instilled a desire to delve deeper into various career options in the future. Our itinerary included visits to notable venues such as the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), CSIRO, Questacon, the National Gallery of Australia, the National Portrait Gallery, the Museum of Australian Democracy, the National Capital Exhibition, the National Museum, the National Film and Sound Archive, Governor House, Old Parliament House, the Royal Australian Mint, a mesmerizing and freezing Botanical Gardens Night Walk, the National Archives, an Embassy Tour and the panoramic Mt Ainslie Lookout. Each stop enriched our journey with its unique significance.
We are immensely proud of our MacKillop students, they represented the College with integrity, intelligence and displayed the Josephite ethos. Many people commented on our MacKillop young people and how wonderful they are. Of course, the trip wouldn’t have been complete without an outburst of our College anthem on the bus, the girls sang with pride and the whole airport knew we had arrived!
The Canberra group are very grateful to the parents for supporting them to take part in this journey, they are thankful to the MacKillop staff for the organisation, Mrs Morris, Ms Cirocco, Mr Iannace, Mrs Gates and Mrs Nelson (for keeping everyone up to date on the socials).
Michelle Attwood and the 2024 MacKillop Discovers Canberra Group

Linda Di Blasio

Visual Arts
An exciting project in Art this term was our recently completed landscape paintings by the Year 9 Art students. The girls photographed many views from the upstairs Art rooms in the Tenison Centre. They then chose their favourite photo to paint, while looking at aerial perspectives and the colour changes that occur. What an amazing result! Beautiful views of the hills, houses below, roads and building structures surrounded by greenery. Well done Year 9 artists.
The Years 8, 9 and 10 Art students also participated in the ‘Josephite SA Reconciliation Circle’ NAIDOC Week poster competition. Work included representations of flames and fire relating to the theme, images expressing solidarity and artwork of important Indigenous figures in our community. Students from Rostrevor College and Mary MacKillop College are participating in this event and we are looking forward to hosting the exhibition here at the College in Week 1 Term 3. I look forward to seeing many families join us next term in celebrating these beautiful artworks supporting NAIDOC Week.
Lastly, our Years 3, 4 and 5 after school Ceramic Art classes came to an end in Week 9 with a family exhibition in Week 10. The students produced beautiful ceramic portraits and bird mobiles using slab and coil decorative techniques. Students also created painted portraits with paper cut-out birds. It was lovely to see families at the exhibition, joining the MacKillop community.
Our Music students have been hosting singing classes for the students at St Joseph’s Memorial School and helping them learn Mary’s Vision: the song for all MacKillop People. Last week the Mary MacKillop College students walked over to the William St campus and performed with the Year 4s at their end of term Assembly.
Auditions have already started for the 2024 Catholic Schools Music Festival and our Performance Choir auditioned along with two students, Isabelle and Imogen, auditioning as a duet and Imogen as a soloist. We wish all the students the best of luck with their auditions.
The CSMF is a fantastic event, with many Catholic Schools gathering for a celebration of music and singing across four nights in Week 10 next term.
After months of rehearsing lines and improving characterisation, Stage 1 Drama students were delighted to present 'Happily Ever After' to an invited audience of Years 4 and 5 students from St Joseph’s Memorial School. The performance formed a crucial part of the students' assessment for Stage 1 Drama. With the support of Year 10 Drama, Year 7 Dance and Year 9 Dance Academy classes, students worked cohesively to present a glimpse of what to expect at this year's Arts Production.
As the stories of Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Rapunzel and Goldilocks were brought to life on stage with more than a few twists, we loved hearing the cheering, giggles and encouragement from our audience. Congratulations to the students involved.
Here are some reflections from our visitors:
“I thought the musical was really fun and I enjoyed being able to see the progress the students had made, as I learned part of one of the dances at the Come and Try MacKillop Day. I loved seeing how much effort they put into it and the story line was easy to follow." - Jacqueline
“I liked the performance because it had a good story behind it. They plot twist was amazing and I really enjoyed watching it. The dancing was entertaining and some of the characters' voices were well done.” - Henry
“I liked how the dancers moved and how they were choreographed to the music. Overall, I thought the musical was entertaining.” - Mila
Thank you to the teachers and students from St Joseph’s Memorial School for their support. We look forward to presenting the full-length show to our community on Wednesday 4 September at the Golden Grove Arts Centre.
Linda Di Blasio
The Arts Leader of Learning

Celebrating 80 Years of Josephite secondary education in Kensington
Our 2024 Annual Dinner, celebrating 80 years of Josephite secondary education in Kensington, promises to be a night to remember!
Friday 27 September 2024, 6pm for a tour of the College, 7pm onwards in the College Gymnasium.
$49 per person includes a drink on arrival, tapas, paella and dessert.
All graduating year levels, current and past staff and community members are invited to join us, so get your friends together and we will see you there!
For any queries please contact curriculum@marymackillop.sa.edu.au
For bookings, please click here.

During Term 2, students across Years 7 to 10 created artwork to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2024. These pieces have been entered into the Josephite SA Reconciliation Circle NAIDOC Week 2024 Art Competition.
Mary MacKillop College and Rostrevor College students were invited to participate in this competition by the Josephite SA Reconciliation Circle, chaired by Sr Susan Pollard rsj OAM.
We extend our congratulations to all students whose artwork has been entered into the competition for their hard work and creativity.
To celebrate NAIDOC Week, all entries will be displayed at an exhibition to be held in the Tenison Centre at Mary MacKillop College on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend this celebration. The exhibition will be judged by esteemed Aboriginal artist, Nikki Carabetta and our MC for the evening will be Geoff Aufderheide from Catholic Education SA.

Girls in Years 3 and 4 - Thursday 31 October or Friday 1 November 2024
Girls in Year 5 - Monday 12 August 2024
Join us for a day of Netball fun!
Learn new skills in footwork, agility, shooting, passing and defending.
Led by experienced coaches and Senior Netball students at the College.
Plus, we've got you covered with recess and lunch provided.
All you need to bring is your enthusiasm and a trusty drink bottle.
Hurry, places are limited!
Secure your place by completing the form below:
Girls in Years 3 and 4:
Girls in Year 5:

Join our Principal, Sonia Nelson, for a tour of the College.
Principal’s Tours are a great opportunity for prospective MacKillop girls and families to visit the College and to meet our Principal. You will meet senior staff and students on an intimate tour of the school and experience our warm hospitality.
Term 3 Tours:
Friday 2 August 9.30am
Tuesday 20 August 9.30am
Wednesday 11 September 5.00pm
Term 4 Tour:
Wednesday 6 November 9.30am

Mary MacKillop College warmly invites girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 to spend a day with us as a MacKillop girl.
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Days are a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to meet our staff and students while being involved in a range of interactive lessons and meeting new friends.
Important Dates
Last day of Term 2, 1.25pm dismissal
Term 3 commences
Year 12 Trial Exams and Workshops this week
Josephite SA Reconciliation Circle NAIDOC Week Art Competition
Awards Assembly
Principal's Tour
JJAMM Week commences
JJAMM Week concludes
Principal's Tour
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Day
Happily Ever After - 2024 Arts Night
Student Free Day
Student Free Day
Flight - 2024 Dance Showcase
Annual Alumnae Dinner (Reunion)
Keeping healthy over the holidays
CSPSA Stronger Families Conference

College Calendar
A reminder, the College Calendar can be accessed via the SEQTA Portal page.
Thank you.

Purchase your Entertainment Membership today

Catholic Schools Parents SA

Click here to access the Charter for Parents from Catholic School Parents South Australia.
Child Safe Environments

Mary MacKillop College Kensington provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
Every year, students are taught the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) which is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people.