Edition Nine, 27 September 2024

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges the Kaurna people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Season of Creation
It is an annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of Creation.
Starts September 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and concludes on October 4, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology.
It unites all around the world to listen and care for our common home.
We are called to work together for a future of hope and action to make our world a better place.
Let’s unite and live this call through prayer, sustainability and advocacy.
This year’s theme is ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’ with the symbol ‘the first fruits of hope’, inspired by Romans 8:19-25
We pray…
God of Land, Sea and Sky:
Creator of all that is seen and unseen.
Open our hearts to the rhythm of Creation in the swells of the ocean, the movements of air and wind, the breath of all living things.
Open our eyes to the fragile beauty of the biodiversity of which we are a part.
Open our ears to the sounds of life around us.
Open our minds to the awareness of our deep relationship with all your Creation. May we hope and act with Creation.

Sonia Nelson

We have certainly been kept very busy and engaged over the last few weeks here at the College! I am sure that students and staff are looking forward to a well-earned holiday break. We are especially mindful of our Year 12 students, who will be focused on finishing the year strongly, completing final assessment pieces and preparing for exams. We commend them for their efforts to date and wish them all the best as their time at the College comes to an end.
As usual, the hive of activity recently has involved a diverse range of learning, wellbeing and growth opportunities, as featured in the stories and images in this newsletter. There has been much to celebrate, including the announcement of our 2025 Student Leadership Team. We know that these girls will show ‘Courage to Lead’ and be responsive to the needs of others, in the true spirit of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
Indeed, it is always with great pride that I see the Josephite mission and charism in action each day, and that our College values of Courage, Compassion, Justice, Hope and Humility are evident in the interactions of our students, staff and families. Thank you for your ongoing support of our work at Mary MacKillop College and for working in partnership with us to strive for the best outcomes of our beautiful students!
The Arts Learning Area has featured prominently over the last few weeks, with the Arts Production, Schools Challenge and Dance Showcase (pictured) demonstrating the depth of talent in this area. This certainly complements the skills and capacity-building that occurs daily across many areas and activities, both inside and outside of the classroom environment. (And the best part is, we do it all with a great sense of joy, sisterhood and FUN!)
I wish everyone a wonderful rest, with time for family, friends, fun and recreation.
Go well and God bless.
Sonia Nelson
Jasmin Eckert

At Mary MacKillop College, we believe that every student has the capacity to demonstrate leadership, no matter their role within the school community. Leadership is about having the courage to step up, take initiative and positively influence others.
Over the past few weeks, our Year 11 students have been busy preparing for formal 2025 leadership positions. This process involved writing thoughtful applications, attending interviews and delivering speeches in front of their peers. We are incredibly proud of the many students who displayed tremendous courage by putting themselves forward, embracing the opportunity to contribute to the College in a meaningful way. With over 30 interviews conducted for only 18 positions, the competition was strong and we commend all those who applied.
The newly selected Student Leadership Team (SLT) for 2025 will be formally acknowledged at the start of next year. Their official commissioning will take place after our St Joseph Feast Day Mass, where we will come together as a community to celebrate their commitment to service and leadership. However, these dedicated students will begin their roles and responsibilities from the start of Term 4 this year, ready to make a positive impact and continue the legacy of leadership at our College.
Congratulations to all students who applied and a special congratulations to the successful candidates for the 2025 Student Leadership Team. We look forward to seeing them lead with compassion, integrity and the spirit of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
Jasmin Eckert
Deputy Principal

Linda Di Blasio

Once again, a busy and exciting time for the Arts!
On Tuesday 10 September, Mary MacKillop College performed in The Schools Challenge, which is Australia's newest Performing Arts event for schools. Schools are invited to develop and create an item incorporating dance, theatre and vocals, to tell a story.
The Schools Challenge is designed to support teachers and students with their key values: positive mental health, growth mindset, positive body image and having a voice.
Mary MacKillop College was amongst 12 other schools, each presenting their own message to the stage through storytelling and movement. Their final presentation was inspirational!
Mary MacKillop College was awarded the top prize for choreography and the runner up award for costuming and props. The judges praised the AV display that contained animations from our Visual Arts students. They also commended the complexity of choreography and the outstanding dance ability of our students.
On Wednesday 26 September, MMC Dance students presented the Dance Showcase ‘Flight’. Our Arts Captains Imogen and Kiara guided the audience through each stop as members ‘boarded’ Flight MMC 2024 scheduled for countries such as France, Italy, New Zealand and Mexico. Items presented were inspired by the significant dance forms in each country.
A special mention goes to Kiara, Francesca, Lotus and Chiara who did an amazing job presenting their Stage Two Dance performance pieces and self-devised choreography inspired by a world issue. The thoughtful choreography reflected issues such as women's rights and the impacts of COVID.
On Tuesday 24 September our senior Music students sang for the launch of Italian Language Week. This event was hosted by MacKillop College, for Com.It.Es – the Committee of Italians Abroad. The students sang both the Australian and Italian anthems, as well as the song ‘Sarà Perchè Ti Amo’. A wonderful celebration of culture and music!
On Thursday 26 September, Year 12 student Imogen, performed her solo at the Catholic Schools Music Festival. Imogen sang a beautiful rendition of “Part of Your World” by Alan Menken from The Little Mermaid, accompanied by Marco Callisto on piano. Congratulations Imogen!
Visual Art
In Visual Art, students have been busy working on new projects. Year 7s and 8s are exploring colour, shape and pattern. Year 9s are developing sculptural skills using foil to create Baroque jewellery, and Year 10s are beginning their 3-dimensional paper fashion.
Thank you, as always, to Mr Hughes (Music), Ms Penna (Art), and Ms Scott (Dance/Drama) for supporting and encouraging our students in the Arts. In the words of Henri Matisse, “Creativity takes courage”.
Linda Di Blasio
The Arts Leader of Learning

Dr Jennie Finch

Our Stage 1 Biology students travelled to Flinders University in Week 9 to participate in Forensic Biology practical workshops, providing the opportunity to engage in practical applications of the Biotechnology topic they have been studying. In the University laboratories, the students were shown how to use micropipettes to load samples into agarose gels which were then separated by electrophoresis. They also analysed DNA profiles from crime scene evidence to determine relationships between trace DNA found at a crime scene and potential suspects.
Dr Jennie Finch
Stage 1 Biology Teacher
Student feedback:
Throughout the excursion, we explored how DNA is used to investigate crime scenes in the real world. This was a fascinating experience, in which we followed the process using gel electrophoresis technology and food colouring. In addition, we experienced university in a laboratory setting, learning about the different technologies and apparatus. We also had the opportunity to investigate a forensic scenario where we studied suspects and DNA profiling, as well as paternity profiling.
We went to Flinders University for a Forensic Biology workshop on DNA profiling. By analysing the banding patterns, we found the mystery food colouring solution was a mix of the blue and green food dyes. I found this experiment really enjoyable as I was able to see the dye move around and split. Overall, the experience was very enlightening, especially because I never knew about the gel electrophoresis before. I also learnt how this technology can be applied in real life which is amazing. I would love to experience this excursion again.
Going to Flinders University and taking part in the electrophoresis practical really helped to expand on my previous learning. The Flinders University students who assisted us with the practical were very informative, they showed us how electrophoresis can be applied to real life scenarios such as solving crimes. Undertaking a practical in a university laboratory was a unique experience, it was very interesting to see how food dye acts the same as DNA.

On Monday monring of Week 10, our Year 7 cohort along with our 2024 and 2025 Social Justice Captains, celebrated the International Day of Peace with a prayer service surrounding the Mary MacKillop College Peace Pole, which bears the message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in English, Kaurna, Italian and Spanish.
The theme for the 2024 International Day of Peace is "Cultivating a Culture of Peace". After the prayer service, our Year 7 students placed a white ribbon in their hair as a reminder of the need for peace in our world.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace.
Thank you to old scholars and Rotary members, Helen King and Heidi Unferdorben, who donated the Peace Pole to Mary MacKillop College through the Rotary Club.
Laura Abarno and Claire MacLennan

Our 2024 Student Representative Council (SRC) hosted the ‘Catalina Blue Social’ last Friday night for our Years 8 and 9 MacKillop girls. It was a huge success!
On the evening, we also welcomed Years 8 and 9 students from Rostrevor and Christian Brothers College to the social.
There was a lot of excitement in the lead up to the event and plenty of fun was had on the night. Students chatted, danced and made great use of the photo booth.
Well done to the Mary MacKillop College SRC for putting on a wonderful event.
Laura Abarno and Claire MacLennan
Jeanene Corbo

Our Year 12 students and Year 12 Pastoral Care Teachers enjoyed a delicious breakfast while listening to the journey of our alumnae over the past few years. Millie Nelson (Class of 2021) who is studying a Bachelor of Arts (Art History and Mathematical Science) shared her memories of Mary MacKillop College and the University of Adelaide. Sophie Pike (Class of 2021) spoke about studying for a Bachelor of Medical Science at Flinders University. Pursuing her passion for the environment, Isabella Cesare (Class of 2021) is also at Flinders University studying for a Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity and Conservation). Julia Kerry (Class of 2021) is continuing her love of all things science while completing a Bachelor of Medical Science with a focus on Laboratory Medicine at Flinders University. Chloe Cooper (Class of 2021) has settled into a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) at the University of Adelaide. Stella Catlin (Class of 2022) is currently working full-time in an administrative role and has plans to return to study in the future.
All our alumnae reassured the Year 12 cohort that it is okay to be unsure of what the path forward is at this time in their secondary schooling. All the guest speakers recommended that the students be willing to embrace change. They all reiterated that it is okay to change their mind when they enter the workforce or begin tertiary study.
We are grateful to our alumnae who shared their time and stories with us.
Jeanene Corbo
Senior Years Coordinator
Domenique Violi

Girl Power are holding two friendship-themed workshops in the October school holidays. The workshops will be facilitated by Girl Power Workshops founder, Joni Combe, who has a background as a qualified and experienced teacher and has also studied Counselling and Positive Psychology.
The Friendship Rocks Girl Power workshops will take place in Norwood on the following dates:
Tuesday 8th October 1.30am - 4.30pm (10-12 yrs)
Wednesday 9th October 9.30 - 12.30pm (13-15 yrs)
In these half-day workshops, the essential elements of healthy and supportive friendships will be explored. They will focus on how to make new friends, build trust, set boundaries, communicate effectively and strategies to manage conflict. The workshop for teens will also cover online interaction. The topics will be explored through fun activities that encourage teamwork and self-reflection, helping each girl recognise the value of kindness, mutual respect and staying true to one's own values.
For more details, including how to book your ticket, please visit the following website:
Domenique Violi
College Counsellor

Girls in Years 3 and 4 - Thursday 31 October or Friday 1 November 2024
Join us for a day of Netball fun!
Learn new skills in footwork, agility, shooting, passing and defending.
Led by experienced coaches and Senior Netball students at the College.
Plus, we've got you covered with recess and lunch provided.
All you need to bring is your enthusiasm and a trusty drink bottle.
Hurry, places are limited!
Secure your place by completing the form below:
Girls in Years 3 and 4:

Join our Principal, Sonia Nelson, for a tour of the College.
Principal’s Tours are a great opportunity for prospective MacKillop girls and families to visit the College and to meet our Principal. You will meet senior staff and students on an intimate tour of the school and experience our warm hospitality.
Term 4 Tour:
Wednesday 6 November 9.30am

Mary MacKillop College warmly invites girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 to spend a day with us as a MacKillop girl.
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Days are a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to meet our staff and students while being involved in a range of interactive lessons and meeting new friends.
Please click here to visit the Ranier Uniform Shop.
Please click here for specials from the Uniform Shop.
Important Dates
Annual Alumnae Dinner (Reunion)
Term 3 concludes, Dismissal 1.25pm
Term 4 commences
Awards Assembly
Sport Assembly
College Calendar
A reminder, the College Calendar can be accessed via the SEQTA Portal page.
Thank you.
Stay Healthy Over The Holidays

Catholic Schools Parents SA

Click here to access the Charter for Parents from Catholic School Parents South Australia.
Child Safe Environments

Mary MacKillop College Kensington provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
Every year, students are taught the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) which is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people.