Edition Four
17 May 2024

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges the Kaurna people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Traditionally, Catholics devote the whole month of May to celebrating and honouring Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of the Church. Mary is even sometimes known as the 'Queen of May'.
A Mothers' Day Prayer
We thank you, Creator of us all, for our mothers.
I thank you that she gave me life and nurtured me all those years. She taught me how to love and how to sacrifice for others. She taught me that it was okay to cry and that I should always tell the truth.
Bless her with the graces she needs and which you want to give her today. Help her to feel precious in your eyes today and to know that I love her. Give her strength and courage, compassion and peace.
Bless her this day with your love.

Sonia Nelson

We have been blessed with beautiful autumn weather for our start to Term 2. The students and staff have wasted no time in getting straight into their learning. Enjoy the many photos and articles in this newsletter that give you ‘an inside scoop’ into the wide variety of excursions, retreats and other engaging activities that have been keeping us busy.
Last week it was a privilege to be present with Jasmin Eckert and our College Captains at the Eucharist celebrating the life of Sr Catherine Clark rsj OAM. As a student, teacher and Principal at our College, we are grateful for Catherine’s committed service, wisdom and leadership in our community. In 1890 Mary MacKillop wrote “do all you can to assist and love one another”. In Mary’s footsteps, Catherine’s profound influence on Catholic Education and the lives of countless individuals was testament to her mission and ministry as a Sister of St Joseph.
You may have heard that our Wellbeing Dog, Bonnie MacKillop was recently awarded the title of ‘Cutest Dog in South Australia’ by the Advertiser. Our community always knew that fact! Bonnie continues to bring joy to students and staff as she greets them at the gate and during yard duties, as well as spending time in classrooms.
Enjoy these last days of balmy weather as we anticipate the coming of winter and some much needed rain. I am sure that our girls will not let the cold slow them down as they learn, celebrate and grow together! My best wishes to all in our beautiful Mary MacKillop College community. Go well and God bless.
Sonia Nelson

Jasmin Eckert

Celebrating Community and Sportsmanship: A Netball Scratch Match to Remember
In the spirit of camaraderie and friendly competition, Mary MacKillop College recently hosted a netball scratch match against Crafers Netball Club's B Grade team. Despite the final score not swinging in MacKillop’s favour, it was a chance for our Open Netball Team to gain valuable insight into each other's playing styles ahead of the upcoming season.
Held during the first week of school holidays, the match unfolded in the College Gymnasium, with parents, students, staff and supporters alike cheering on the teams. From the first whistle, it was evident that both teams were eager to put their best foot forward. The opening quarter saw neck-to-neck action, with each side displaying impressive agility and determination. However, as the game progressed, Crafers demonstrated their experience by applying relentless pressure in their defence and seizing control of the match.
Despite the challenges faced, our MacKillop girls rose admirably to the occasion. Notable highlights included the accuracy of our shooters and the maturity of our young defenders.
Both teams came together after the game for a pizza dinner. While Crafers emerged as the victors on the scoreboard, the real triumph lay in the bonds formed and the lessons learned on the court. We thank Crafers Netball Club for participating and helping to hone our skills.
Celebrating the Spirit of Motherhood: A Heartfelt Gesture from Mary MacKillop College's Student Leadership Team
On Friday 10 May, the Student Leadership Team (SLT) of Mary MacKillop College were out in full force, armed with little Mother's Day treats and hearts filled with gratitude. Leading into the weekend where Mother’s Day is celebrated, the SLT wanted to express their appreciation for the incredible women who shape our lives. Inspired by the love and sacrifices of our own mothers and the countless other significant females, the students set out to make a meaningful gesture of thanks.
The students were met with smiles and warmth from mothers in cars, women walking past the school and even some of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Each little treat we handed out was accompanied by a message of gratitude, acknowledging the contributions these women make to our lives and our community.
It was wonderful to see our students carry the spirit of gratitude and appreciation that defines our Mary MacKillop College community. May we continue to honour the remarkable women who shape our lives and inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves.
Jasmin Eckert
Deputy Principal

On 29 April we farewelled and thanked Gess Carbone, our outgoing Board Chair who has served on the College Board for the last nine years.
"Gess, you have gifted Josephite education as Chairperson of Mary MacKillop College with all the determination, grace and courage (boldness) that reflects the spirit of Mary MacKillop. Your embodiment of the spirit of Mary MacKillop has been so evident in your courageous leadership to harness opportunities arising from challenges faced by the Board, all the while consistently calling us all to a vision that speaks of excellence, equity and sustainability." - Sr Catherine Mead rsj
Quotes from Gess:
“Long, long time ago, I can still remember a shy girl from a very protective background rolled up for her first year at high school (1968) accompanied by her father who insisted that he needed to check out this place!
I reminisce with great fondness my time as a student - the experiences I had, the connections I made and the friendships that are enduring. Walking around the campus I remember the breezeway, the gym is where our bike rack and some tennis and basketball courts were. I remember pacing and learning rote as I prepared for exams (that was the popular thing at the time; it was not unusual to see students with notes and books pacing around the yard). I remember having dancing lessons in the hall at St Joseph's in Bridge Street.
The development of the College over the years is outstanding and the ambience is welcoming. I am proud to have been part of the history and am totally committed to the future.
After my graduation from Mary MacKillop I applied to work with the State Government of SA and began a career that spanned more than 52 years. I continued my tertiary education, as a mature age student, while working.
With a very strong thirst for learning, extension, growth and personal development I have sought opportunities to be involved with activities outside my responsibilities with family and work. I have been actively involved with my church community, serving on boards and committees concerned with education, aged care and ecumenism. Whilst my involvement is largely localised and Adelaide based, my work and community involvement have expanded my horizon beyond our shore and I have gained insight into national and international perspectives on issues of economy and social welfare." - Gess Carbone, Mary MacKillop College website Board Chairperson page
"So, here I am 52 years since my graduation, not only did I leave with a solid education, I took with me a model on which to build my life.
My love for all things MacKillop is perpetual. I will always cherish being both a student and a leader in the evolving story of Mary MacKillop College.
I am very proud to wear the MacKillop ribbon and bear witness to:
Once a MacKillop Girl Always a MacKillop Girl
I wish you every grace and blessings." - Gess Carbone, farewell speech
Gess Carbone
(Giuseppina Del Giacco, Class of 1972)

Adriana Sotira

Celebrating our Faith
A significant part of celebrating our faith at Mary MacKillop College is to find time for prayer, reflection and personal development. Our Retreat programs aim to provide this opportunity.
The Year 10 Retreat - In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop, Social Justice in the City
Year 10 Retreat embraces Homelessness Outreach
In the spirit of Mary MacKillop’s dedication to serving the marginalised, the Year 10 cohort embarked on their annual retreat aimed at fostering compassion and engagement with the issue of homelessness. By following in the footsteps of our patron St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, this retreat served as a path towards solidarity with those experiencing homelessness.
Students and staff began the day at St Francis Xavier Cathedral in the city with a prayer service to reflect on the work of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop for social justice. They were given the opportunity to visit Catholic organisations who provide services and hope for the disadvantaged in our world. These organisations included Adelaide Day Centre, Vinnies Men’s Shelter, Catherine House and Vinnies Women’s Crisis Centre. As our students visited these centres, they observed, listened and became active participants to alleviate suffering and foster dignity.
Our students and staff were introduced to the See, Judge, Act Model, after which they engaged in activities taking action to answer God’s call to social justice. This action was carried out by decorating bags of love with items needed by these centres, key rings, and affirmation cards for the individuals in the centre. These bags were delivered to the centres the same afternoon.
As we reflect on the retreat, let us strive to follow Mary MacKillop’s compassion, resilience and unwavering commitment to social justice. Let us remember that we all have the power to make a difference and in the words of Mary MacKillop, “Never see a need without doing something about it“.
With Blessings
Mrs Adriana Sotira
Religious Education Coordinator
9 May 2024

Sarah Morris

“Take a moment now to think back on all you achieved so far this year. Whether that be settling into a new school or a new class, the new friendships you might have made, the successes you have had on the sporting field, overcoming a challenge, doing really well in an assignment, helping out a friend, or just being 10% braver. These experiences have not only allowed you to make a positive impact on our community, but also helped each of you develop valuable skills as a life-long learner.” - Erin Amsterdamski, College Captain, opening our Awards Assembly celebrating the achievements of our girls in Term 1.
Gathering together as a community on Thursday 2 May, we acknowledged and celebrated students in our school who had significant achievements throughout Term 1 of 2024; Students who demonstrate what it means to Lead with Compassion, who embrace the school motto ‘In Omnibus Caritas - In All Things Love’, embracing not only a love of service, but a love of learning.
Our Ceremony commenced by recognising our 31 In Omnibus Merit recipients who, through their generosity of spirit, have made a thoughtful contribution our school community making it a better place for all. This was followed by the presentation of 36 students across Years 7-11 with Principal’s Academic Excellence awards. In order to receive a Principal’s Academic Excellence Award, the students being presented achieved an A Grade for every school-based subject they undertook in Term 1. Quite an achievement.
We were also incredibly proud to acknowledge the achievement of Evie Langley (pictured above) who is the only student in South Australia to have recently completed the Certificate III in Basic Health Care with the International Paramedic College. We know that this certificate is an important pathway towards her goal of studying Paramedicine after Year 12 and wish her every success in this endeavour.
In recognising all of these students we were, of course, not just celebrating their grades, but their commitment, their curiosity, their creative thinking and their perseverance. Most importantly, we were celebrating the example set by these young people for all of us to be passionate learners who strive to be the very best we can be.
I wish our girls a term filled with personal growth, great accomplishments, fun, laughter, and special memories.
Sarah Morris
Director of Teaching and Learning
Thursday 2 May 2024

Linda DiBlasio

Visual Art
On Friday 12 April, SACE hosted their Art Awards Evening. Congratulations to Melani Matulin, who won the Adelaide Central School of Art Award for her work at the 2024 SACE Art Show. She was one of 10 students in South Australia who won a special award this year. Michaela Bensley, Chief Executive of the SACE Board of SA, presented Melani with her award. A wonderful evening was experienced by selected award recipients, their families and teachers. We are all very proud of Melani and her achievements.
Year 9 landscapes have begun! Our new views of Kensington are being captured by our Year 9 students who are exploring aerial perspective, using acrylic paint on canvas. Year 9s will also be working on props for Arts Night, which will be in Term 3.
Year 8s are working on their ceramic vases inspired by the work of contemporary artist Bonnie Hislop as well as the shapes and stories of ancient Greek pottery.
We are looking forward to running our after-school ceramic classes with Years 3, 4 and 5 students this term. If you are interested, we have a few spaces left. We will be exploring portraits, animals and nature using textures and glazes. Times are 3.30pm until 4.30pm starting Wednesday 22 May and weekly until Wednesday 26 June, with a family exhibition in the last week of the term.
Dance and Drama
Come 'n' Try MacKillop students enjoyed a Drama workshop, where they were able to explore techniques in improvisation and performance.
Our Dance and Drama students have been working on their performances for Arts Night. Year 10 and Stage 1 students have been learning lines and preparing costumes, while Stage 1 Drama students have been working with Visual Arts on props for the show.
Our Come 'n' Try MacKillop students also enjoyed a Music experience and participated in making music using Boomwackers to play along with some popular tunes while practicing their rhythmic and collaborative skills. Following this, the students read through the College Song, practiced singing it and then took to the stage and sung along using the microphones and PA. Great fun was had by all, and the students showcased some excellent musical skills.
Congratulations to the Generations In Jazz Choir who attended the event on the weekend in Mt Gambier.
We wish our Music students all the best for the upcoming Twilight Music Concert in Week 6. Looking forward to seeing families at this wonderful event.
Linda Di Blasio
The Arts Leader of Learning

Gavin Hughes

The Mary MacKillop College Performance Choir had a wonderful time at the Generations In Jazz festival in Mt Gambier earlier this term.
Our Choir was treated to performances by professional musicians including the Hot Potato Band on Friday night, then on Saturday night Coco’s Lunch performed with their a cappella voices and fusion of traditional Indian drumming with the Sai Brothers.
Young emerging Indigenous vocalist Budjerah was a highlight with his unassuming manner and incredible voice, but the showstopper was none other than the amazing Kate Ceberano who virtually raised the roof of the pavilion. To finish the concert, a leading Japanese/American composer and arranger for big bands, Migiwa Miyajima performed fresh from New York and with a very contagious personality. Miggy, as she is known, shared stories behind her compositions and performed a selection with the help of the amazing All-star Generations In Jazz Big Band.
On the Saturday morning, The Mary MacKillop College Performance Choir sang Orange Colored Sky (American spelling), as their Own Choice song and Ode to a Freeloader, (the Division 3 Test Piece).
Our MacKillop girls performed beautifully, producing an engaging and dynamic performance with Isabella and Anna performing strongly as soloists. It was a very proud moment and it was clear that all their hard work and extra time rehearsing paid off.
Well done to all the students who performed and special thanks to Marina Olijnyk, Performance Choir Director, in preparing our Performance Choir. Thank you also to Ms Witton who attended as a supervising staff member.
Generations In Jazz was an exciting an energising trip which was highly motivating and left us all with lasting memories.
Gavin Hughes
Music Coordinator
Monty Mott

In an effort to foster teamwork, coordination and fitness, the Year 9 Physical Education (PE) classes have been delving into the world of Ultimate Frisbee at Kensington Oval. This unconventional sport, often underestimated for its simplicity, has been a refreshing alternative to traditional sports.
Ultimate Frisbee, known for its fast-paced action and spirit of sportsmanship, has been gaining popularity worldwide for its inclusivity and easy-to-understand rules. The game serves as an engaging platform for students to hone their communication skills, strategic thinking and physical agility.
The transition from more conventional sports to Ultimate Frisbee might seem daunting at first, but students have embraced the challenge with enthusiasm. With guidance from their teachers and the support of their peers, they have quickly adapted to throwing, catching and manoeuvring the Frisbee.
Students are encouraged to embody the principles of integrity and camaraderie, which are integral to the sport's ethos. Moreover, Ultimate Frisbee offers a change from the competitiveness often associated with traditional sports.
As students continue to explore Ultimate Frisbee, through teamwork, determination and an interest in the game, they are discovering the meaning of athleticism and sportsmanship, one Frisbee throw at a time.
Monty Mott
Health and PE Leader of Learning
9 May 2024

Zoe Duffy

We are delighted to share the achievements of our students at the recent South Australian Catholic Secondary Schools Girls' Sports Association (SACSSGSA) Swimming Carnival. Our College Swim Team showcased their talent, determination and unwavering spirit throughout the event, culminating in an impressive fifth place finish in the highly competitive A Grade division. Our Under 16 and 16+ age groups finished second in their respective divisions. Well done girls we are so proud of your efforts!
Our AFL Clinics (pictured above), run through the SANFL kicked off last week. The girls were excited to have Bella take them through some key skills and lots of fun challenges. If anyone else is interested in joining, please speak to Ms Duffy. We hope to take the students involved to an AFL carnival in Term 3.
Saturday morning sport commenced last weekend. Alarms were set and students and their families braved the cold, crisp morning to compete in netball, soccer or badminton. We wish all students the best of luck for the season ahead and we look forward to sharing their achievements with the community in the coming weeks.
Zoe Duffy
Sport Coordinator

Alicia Papp

Are you interested in the Premier’s Reading Challenge? If so, pop into the Library and see Ms Papp.
Our Years 7 to 9 Premier’s Reading Challenge students are reading a combination of four books from the Challenge booklists followed by books of their own choice. Our Years 10 to 12 students are reading 12 books of their own choice.
Did you know?
For the Premier’s Reading Challenge, students can read books in languages other than English, as well as e-books and graphic novels.
All PRC books in our Library are labelled and the book lists are available on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website.
Reading Records can be collected from the College Library and also via the PRC website.
Students are asked to return all Reading Records to the College Library as all students who complete the Challenge go into a draw to win a book voucher from Dillons at Norwood. Please keep in mind the Challenge finishes on 6 September 2024.
If you have any queries, please contact the Library apapp@marymackillop.sa.edu.au.
Happy Reading!
Ms Alicia Papp
Library Assistant

Thursday 31 October or Friday 1 November 2024
Mary MacKillop College invites girls in Years 3 and 4 to join us for a day of Netball fun.
Learn new skills in footwork, agility, shooting, passing and defending.
Led by experienced coaches and Senior Netball students at the College.
Plus, we've got you covered with recess and lunch provided.
All you need to bring is your enthusiasm and a trusty drink bottle.
Hurry, places are limited!
Secure your place by completing the form below:

Join our Principal, Sonia Nelson, for a tour of the College.
Principal’s Tours are a great opportunity for prospective MacKillop girls and families to visit the College and to meet our Principal. You will meet senior staff and students on an intimate tour of the school and experience our warm hospitality.
Term 2 Tours:
Friday 31 May 9.30am
Wednesday 26 June 9.30am
Term 3 Tours:
Friday 2 August 9.30am
Tuesday 20 August 9.30am
Wednesday 11 September 5.00pm
Term 4 Tour:
Wednesday 6 November 9.30am

Mary MacKillop College warmly invites girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 to spend a day with us as a MacKillop girl.
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Days are a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to meet our staff and students while being involved in a range of interactive lessons and meeting new friends.
Important Dates
Year 7 and Year 10 Immunisations
2025 Year 7 Autumn Transition Day
Good News Assembly
Principal's Tour
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Day
Corpus Christi Mass
Twilight Music Concert
Public Holiday
Year 8 Retreat
Collage of Migration
Year 10 Canberra trip commences
Year 10 Futures Week commences
Year 11 Exams commence
Year 10 Canberra trip concludes
Year 10 Futures Week concludes
Year 11 Exams conclude
Year 12 Vinnie's Sleepout commences
Student Free Day - Semester Change Over
Year 12 Vinnie's Sleepout concludes
Principal's Tour
Open Netball Team in Victoria all week
Good News Assembly
Last day of Term 2, 1.25pm dismissal
College Calendar
A reminder, the College Calendar can be accessed via the SEQTA Portal page.
Thank you.
Purchase your Entertainment Membership today

Catholic Schools Parents SA

Click here to access the Charter for Parents from Catholic School Parents South Australia.

Child Safe Environments

Mary MacKillop College Kensington provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
Every year, students are taught the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) which is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
For information re. the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) in 2024, please click here.