Edition 1,
4 February 2022
Kath McGuigan

Welcome Back
Welcome back to the 2022 school year and as I am sure you have heard a number of times now; it is not quite the start to 2022 we were hoping for!
Our Theme for the year is “Seeds of Hope”, and so we are optimistic and hopeful that the situation will improve and that we will get back to “normal”.
Some staff have been back on site for a number of weeks, preparing, planning and adapting as new information comes to hand. We will endeavor to keep you up to date with all that eventuates and we are committed to delivering a quality education at all times. We also are committed to looking after your daughter’s wellbeing and ensuring that she is safe at the College.
New Staff
Our College is delighted to welcome a number of new staff to the College.
Kate Kilpatrick, Acting Deputy Principal
Zoe Politis, Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator and Sports Coordinator
Lisa Turley, Science, Mathematics and Digital Technology
Jess Di Iorio, Mathematics and Science
Astrid Powell, Physical Education
Melissa Loy, Italian and English
Angela Champion, Food and Textiles

All staff have been preparing for remote learning and face-to-face learning. We have been busily working on digital learning strategies and using Microsoft Teams for professional learning.
During the holidays, I read a number of books including Into the Rip, a story of an American journalist’s experience of setting up the New York Times’ Australian Bureau in Sydney and how his children becoming involved in the local surf lifesaving club changed his attitude towards resilience and risk. Based in Bronte where the mantra is ‘If you can swim at Bronte, you can swim anywhere’, Damien Cave and his family slowly assimilate into the beachside culture and the Australian way of life. In the book, there are many connections to the work of Carol Dweck, the author of Grit and the positive psychology movement. As parents, we always want to protect and support our children, however sometimes it is in their best interests that we step back and when they stumble or find a task challenging that we encourage them to have another go rather than making things easier for them.
2021 SACE Results
It is with great pleasure that I share the details of our outstanding 2021 SACE Results for our College.
Congratulations to our Dux, Danielle Rosella, who received an ATAR of 95.90.
Our Proxime Accessit is Tess McCormack, who received an ATAR of 94.70.
20% of the Class of 2021 achieved an ATAR above 90; this is an excellent achievement and places those students in the top 10% of students in the state.
51% of the Class of 2021 achieved an ATAR above 80; this is an excellent achievement and places those students in the top 20% of students in the state.
Further congratulations are offered to these students who achieved a Merit:
Emily Barilla, Business Innovation
Chloe Cooper, Religion Studies
Kate Dodman, Essential English
Gwyneth Lok, Child Studies
Natalie Musolino, IPP
Nicola Scalzi, Research Project
All students completed their SACE Certificate and we wish them well in their future endeavours. Congratulations to the Class of 2021.

The most important outcome for me is that all students receive an offer in a course of their choice and they are ready for the next step of their post school journey. Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions the SACE Merit Ceremony has had to be postponed and our own College event to celebrate our high achievers has also had to be postponed.
As humans we strive for that social connection, however over the next few weeks we do have to be extra careful and minimise our interactions with large groups. It seems that wearing masks could be with us for quite some time. We look forward to February 14 when all students will be back at the College.
Kath McGuigan
Kate Kilpatrick

Fresh faces, nervous smiles and a sense of excitement filled the air as we welcomed 72 new students to the Mary MacKillop College community. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19 and restrictions in place, it was a day full of promise and new opportunities.
I have been most impressed by the way students have transitioned into life at MacKillop. They have approached new challenges with a sense of fun and adventure, interpreting timetables, remembering locker combinations and navigating their way around a new school environment with ease. Equally pleasing has been the kindness displayed by Year 12 students as they welcomed new members into our community. Whilst it is not the start we had imagined with Year 9, 10 & 11 students learning from home, I have been in awe of how our girls have adjusted to online learning, navigating new technology and engaging with their teachers and peers through Microsoft Teams. The resilience displayed by our girls and the optimistic approach they have demonstrated towards their learning is commendable. I am hope filled about their return in Week 3 and look forward to uniting as a community soon.
Our opening assembly was held virtually this year, with students logging in from both home and school. We launched the 2022 theme, ‘Seeds of Hope’, introduced new staff and presented our Student Leadership Team with special braiding on their blazers; a long standing tradition and special moment for the senior leaders who embark on a new and exciting leadership journey. It was also an opportunity to present our Year 12s with their senior badge and empower them to lead with courage in their final year. Year 7s and new students were also presented with a Lily badge, an outward sign of being a member of the Mary MacKillop College family.
The last few weeks have been a dynamic space for our educators as they have prepared for both online and face-to-face learning, embracing change and technology with professionalism and grace. In the short time I have been at MacKillop, I have been most impressed by their commitment to high quality education and deep care for both the learning and wellbeing of our girls.
Finally, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all students and families. I am delighted to be part of the MacKillop community in 2022 and look forward to working in partnership with you, as we walk this journey together.
Student Leadership Team Blazer Presentation

Kate Casciano
On Wednesday 2 February, we warmly welcomed our 2022 Year 7 students to Mary Mary MacKillop College. The first week in Year 7 has been a busy one, full of activities designed to help the students get to know their new teachers, peers and new school environment.
During the week, the Year 7s spent time with their teachers, participating in various team building games and doing all things classroom organisation. They also attended workshops in the library and digital spaces to better understand the College’s learning platforms and ensure they are set up and well prepared for their learning.
When asked about their thoughts on Orientation Week, this is what a few of the Year 7s had to say:
“The teachers are really nice. My favourite activity was the giant board game.” - Chanel
“A really nice school and easy to get around. My favourite activity was the giant board game.” - Siena
“I would say, getting to meet all my teachers and making new friends!... Exciting, nerve-racking and new!” - Matilda
“It was really fun getting to know new people and getting out of my comfort zone... Exciting, fun, new!” - Makayla
It has been wonderful week and we look forward to a year full of fun, rich and memorable experiences.
Kate Casciano
Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Two Mary MacKillop College students have been selected as participants in the 2022 SACE Art Show.
Jemha Dimas, ‘The Controversy of Life’
Jordan Miller, ‘Life and Wires’
Congratulations to Jemha and Jordan.
The exhibition will showcase outstanding and progressive Art and Design works by South Australian Stage 2 students at the Light Square Gallery from Tuesday 22 March to Friday 22 April 2022.

Acknowledgement of Country

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges and pays respect to the Kaurna people, the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we gather on. We acknowledge the deep feelings of attachment and relationship of the Kaurna people to country and we respect and value their past, present and ongoing connection to the land and cultural beliefs.
Opening Prayer

Blessed are you,
Lord God,
Creator of body and mind and heart;
you have sent the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge
to guide your people in all their ways.
At the beginning of this new school year
we implore your mercy:
bless the students, teachers,
and staff of Mary MacKillop College
that together we may grow in faith, hope, and love
as we learn from you and each other
how to follow your Son Jesus.
Help us, to bear with one another
in love and patience
as we face the new challenges
this year will inevitably bring.
With confidence in God’s ability
to do more than we ask or imagine,
we pray that faith will deter fear
and hope will bring new life.
