Does your daughter love Netball? Did you know that Mary MacKillop College is a Silver Netball SA Endorsed School? Contact us today for more information.
Netball SA assists our Specialist Netball Teachers and Coaches in the development of the sport and to raise the profile of netball within College. Netball players are supported to develop to the best of their ability and are educated for a potential career in the sporting industry.
The College offers Years 9-12 students the opportunity to trial for the Mary Mackillop College Interstate Netball Team that travels to either the Gold Coast, Queensland or Melbourne, Victoria. Students travel during either the end of Term 2 or the Term 2 break and spend one week playing netball against teams from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
The College offers swim squad training for students in Term 1 on Wednesday and Friday mornings next door at the Norwood pool. Swim squad training is offered to all students and many students who attend are selected in the schools swim team to complete at the SACSSGSA swimming carnival.
The College is a member of the South Australian Catholic Secondary Schools Girls Sport Association (SACSSGSA), which offers a year round extra-curricular sport program. All girls in Years 7 - 12 are able to participate on a voluntary basis and commit to one after school training per week and one Saturday morning match. A Sports Contract is in place to improve the students' level of personal dedication and commitment towards all sporting activities.
Sports offered at Mary MacKillop College, vary throughout the year and include:
Summer Sports - Terms 1 and 4
Winter Sports - Terms 2 and 3
Each year the College holds its annual Swimming and Athletics Carnival. From these carnivals, students are selected to represent the school at the Catholic State Interschool Carnivals.
Statewide Knockout Competitions
The College regularly enters teams in the Statewide Knockout Competitions involving students from government and non-government schools across the state. In order to participate in a knockout team, trials are held to ensure the best athletes are selected to represent the College.
The College will enter a Junior Team (Year 7, 8 and 9 students) and an Open Team (open to all students) for each sport.
Term 1
Terms 2 & 3
An Inter-House Competition is held during Terms 2 and 3. It involves each of the four Houses – Alexander, Flora, Tappeiner and Tenison – competing at lunchtimes in a variety of sports to earn points towards winning the cup. The Sports Captains are predominantly responsible for the running of this competition.